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Doublelift picks Ezreal and Build Double Tears

Yes! it's really been so popular with pro players using the double tears Ezreal build. So, check out this Ezreal Build double tears by Doublelift. Yiliang "Peter" "Doublelift" Peng is the bot laner for Team Liquid.

Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng hails from Mission Viejo, California. Peng first discovered his love for video games through classic Nintendo 64 titles Star Fox and Golden Eye. After his brother got a computer, Peng frequently used it to play Diablo 1 and StarCraft. Since his brother would buy a new computer every few years, Peng soon came to own his own hand-me-down desktop. This allowed him to spend more time playing computer games such as DotA, WoW, and HoN with his brother and friends. Eventually they all left these games behind and moved to LoL.

Peng was eventually kicked out of his home by his parents after he had got back from DreamHack Summer 2011. Peng eventually moved in with Travis "Tnomad" Gafford prior to joining Counter Logic Gaming.

Doublelift as the bot laner of Team Liquid, he is one of the best to choose to follow using his Ezreal. This Ezreal build is one of the top as you can see in the OP.GG NA server. Never forget his outplays and Pentakills in a lot of pro matches major leagues.

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