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Ezreal is Here - Patch 8.20 notes


W has been redesigned.

Ezreal's champion update brings some significant visual, audio, and lore level-ups to the Prodigal Explorer. Ezreal's update differs from other VGUs in the gameplay department: His kit's held up well over the years, and the only ability that needed a makeover was his W, Essence Flux. Within a suite of spells that make Ezreal feel like an ace spellslinger, Essence Flux felt unremarkable… when it was even noticed. We've given the Prodigal Explorer a new W that has a more appreciable place in his kit and even adds a few new decisions for Ezreal players to consider.

We'd be remiss not to mention AP Ezreal, a playstyle we want to preserve with this update. Though the new Essence Flux plays quite differently than a pass-through skillshot, it still packs a punch with some AP itemization. It also gives AP Ezreal much stronger structure damage as well as more reliability from Arcane Shift.
UPDATED Ezreal and his skins have all received full visual and audio updates!
SPLASH Base, Frosted, TPA, Debonair, Ace of Spades, and Arcade Ezreal's splashes have been altered to match Ezreal's new design. Nottingham, Striker, Explorer, and Pulsefire Ezreal have received brand new splashes. You can find them all on League Displays!
LORE Ezreal's lore has been updated. Head to Universe to check it out!
NEWW - Essence Flux
Ezreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. Hitting the orb with an ability or attack detonates it. Detonating with an ability refunds mana.

DAMAGE 75/120/165/210/255 magic damage
RATIO 0.6 bonus attack damage + 0.7 ability power
RANGE 1150 (same as Q - Mystic Shot)
COOLDOWN 12 seconds
ORB DURATION 4 seconds
COST 50 mana
MANA REFUND ON ABILITY DETONATION 60 plus the cost of the ability that detonated Essence Flux
OBJECTIVE Essence Flux can stick to champions, epic monsters, turrets, inhibitors, and the Nexus
Q - Mystic Shot
RATIO 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.3 ability power
E - Arcane Shift
NEWESSENCE ATTRACTION Arcane Shift now prioritizes enemies affected by Essence Flux
R - Trueshot Barrage
ICONIC No balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!
Passive - Rising Spell Force
ICONIC No balance or mechanics changes. Just adding this to show off the new icon!

R cooldown increased early.

Given how aggressively Ahri can snowball early leads into quick wins, we're reducing how often Spirit Rush lets her threaten her opponent in lane. This should give the enemy midlaner a bit more breathing room to recover and the enemy team more opportunity to shut Ahri down while her dashes are unavailable.
R - Spirit Rush
COOLDOWN 110/95/80 seconds ⇒ 130/105/80 seconds

Empowered E damage decreased early. R damage decreased.

Evelynn's too easily able to kill enemies without Allure, particularly in the early-mid game.
E - Whiplash
EMPOWERED DAMAGE 95/115/135/155/175 ⇒ 75/100/125/150/175
R - Last Caress
DAMAGE 150/275/400 ⇒ 125/250/375
EXECUTE DAMAGE 300/550/800 ⇒ 250/500/750

Base AD decreased.

For how well he scales, Graves takes over early games too reliably—even for an early-game-oriented champion.
Base Stats
BASE AD 66 ⇒ 63

Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack.

Don't let the "Bugfix" tag below fool you, this is a pretty substantial power-down to Hail of Blades Jhin. Bonus attack speed increases both Jhin's attack damage and the movement speed he gets from critical strikes, so while most champions would be relatively unimpacted by Hail of Blades' 75-125% bonus attack speed buffing their first basic attack, Jhin's been reaping real benefits from the bug.
Passive - Whisper
BUGFIX Hail of Blades no longer applies to Jhin's first basic attack (the one that procs it). It still properly applies to the following basic attacks as intended. (Behavior is now consistent with everyone else.)

W heal decreased.

We're making Nami and her carry less resilient to threats from aggressive enemy lanes.
W - Ebb and Flow
HEAL 65/95/125/155/185 (+0.3 ability power) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.3 ability power) (damage vs enemy champions unchanged)

Base health regen decreased.

Less health regen means Sion will have to rely more on his shield and health bonuses from last-hitting to stay healthy in lane.
Base Stats
BASE HEALTH REGEN 9 per 5 seconds ⇒ 7.5 per 5 seconds
Dark Harvest
Base damage decreased.

We want to preserve Dark Harvest's late-game scaling, but it shouldn't be a go-to pick for early/mid-game damage on top of that.
BASE DAMAGE 40-80 (lv 1-18) ⇒ 20-60 (lv 1-18)
End of Season Eligibility
Added an icon to your profile to check if you're eligible for this year's Victorious skin. Hover over it to find out what you'll earn!
Fixed a bug where Jarvan's Passive - Martial Cadence was dealing less damage than intended when combined with Tiamat's passive
Restored a bunch of Vi's VFX across a few skins
Tristana's E - Explosive Charge passive no longer deals reduced damage when proc'd by Stormrazor's guaranteed critical strike
Jumping out of Tahm Kench's belly directly into Taliyah's R - Weaver's Wall no longer causes you to lose control of your champ for an extended amount of time
The channeling bar no longer displays weird text when Nautilus casts Q - Dredge Line

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