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Watching This Ezreal Mongate Short Video

So, I started to watch montage videos of Ezreal so that I can copy some awesome moves that most people do. If we do watch Ezreal montage videos, got some question right? What are the Ezreal build do they do in each games?

Why I pick this video Ezreal montage?

First of all, this is as natural as it is. It shows the full scenario of a play. Not those you just post amazing moments that they get epic kills.

What I really need is a great moves to see how other do they Ezreal gameplay.

I know watching Faker, Bang, Sneaky and Pray can get amazing moves but still, what are their secrets or techniques using their keyboards and mouse.

Okay, when I started playing League of Legends, it is really not that good. Not because I'm not a good MOBA player, but the graphics and animations before. But look at how amazing League of Legends. The development or Riot after having Guinsoo (Steve Feak) help to change and transform this game to its next level.

Most players can relate to the game because of the champions. Most of us do love playing on what we like and loved.

And yes! Ezreal is one of my favorite. I was playing Mega man before, the arcade game back year 2001. When I was still a skids, it is one of the most popular video game ever.

Now, when Riot released Pulsefire Ezreal, he do does look like Mega man arcade game. The concept was really get amazing results. What of the main reasons why I always play Ezreal right now is because of the very amazing cool skin.

So far, I don't have money to buy this skin yet but I believed I can buy this on December before Christmas.

I hope you like the video credit to Youtube channle: Champion Montage


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